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Editorial Analysis is an excellent way to get an expert opinion on the quality of your book. Our editor will provide you with his/her opinions of the main components of your book and offer propositions for development where necessary.



Title: An overview of the title for marketing purposes the title defines the subject of the book.

Genre Recommendation for appropriate genre and sub-genres (if applicable): The genre is correct, however, consider more sub-genres. Self-help finance, self-help business, self-help investments, etc. would give you more search exposure.

Targeted Audience Recommendation for a targeted audience: The targeted audience is clear and the information is presented in a non-condescending manner.

Word Count: Is adequate for the genre. Content an overview of the content and any weaknesses or missing information. Such as providing feedback with the opening, information about the subject matter the pace of the story and other personal experience that readers can relate to.

Format: An overview of the format for readability (if applicable) This focuses on the technical side of writing. This involves margins, word gaps center chapters and more.

Mechanics: An overview of the writing mechanics of the manuscript. There are some structural weaknesses worth mentioning. While the majority of the book is well structured, there may be some chapters that may need reworking.

Structure: An overview of the structure Paragraphing and pacing were done so that the reader can follow along and easily understand.

Editing or proofreading issues and any inconsistencies noted: Focuses more on grammar, spelling and scattered punctuation, word restructuring, revisions and plot consistency. This does not only focus on the first chapter but the entire book.

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