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To effectively market a book, you need to start by knowing who should be your target audience, what makes your book stand-out than others of the same genre and your competition. There are various strategies to promote your book, sending press releases for possible Radio, TV or even Article interviews in a Magazine or Newspaper, Approaching Independent Bookstores in your local area and neighboring state, setting up your Website and Social Media campaign, Joining Book Exhibition, Book Signing and more! But to do all these, careful planning is really important.


Authors can spend years writing a book. Promoting it after its publication requires the same amount of effort, energy, and dedication to give your book a greater chance of success. BookTrail Agency offers a variety of book promotion services, available as a la carte, or in a bundled service. Get assistance from our professional team now!


Events & appearances

Visibility is the key. In addition to making your book visible to the eyes of your readers, you must also make your presence as an author felt. Attending book exhibits, engaging in TV and Radio interviews and conducting book-related events are only some of the ways that our authors do to let the world know about their book.

online publicity

Needless to say, the internet is your gateway to the world. Not only it is a powerful avenue for communication, but it is also the most effective way to disseminate information. With our targeted and strategic online marketing services, we are able to maximize your book’s visibility and put you at a more #trending spot.

traditional PARTNERSHIP and


Being one of the pioneering methods of marketing a product, utilizing the influence of traditional media outlets is still, by far, one of the most effective ways to create and increase awareness of your book. With this, BookTrail provides you with the essential tools and connections to run your own advertising campaign.

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Book to film

Take it to the silver screen. For a lot of authors, this is only but a lifelong dream. Not anymore. BookTrail Agency has partnered with film industry stakeholders to give your book a much higher chance of being adapted into a live action movie.

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