How? You can use social media platform. Book Trail recommends you to create your own social page dedicated for your book. Why? This will give readers an idea about your book and anticipate your upcoming books. Returning readers are GOLD to self-published authors and with social media, you can reach out to thousands of more readers, if you do things right!
Here are few tips we suggest:
Know your target audience. I know this has been said for so many times. It only means how important this best-practice is. If you’re writing a self-help book focused on financial literacy, it makes a perfect sense to post content which surrounds about the topic.
Example, get one great strategy from a well-known CEO and hook it up with a content found in your book. Make it as compelling as possible. Of course, you will always want them to buy a copy of your book thru your posting.
Consistency is the Key. This has two sides, be consistent on what you post make and how frequent you post it. The first side is already explained above. Let’s go deeper about the other side. One post a day is highly recommended. However, if you have a full-time job and cannot think of a topic to post daily, set a day to do it.
It’s always best to make a title for your postings. For example, Sunday blessings: a weekly scripture for a blessed life. This way, readers will know when they can expect your postings. It will also give an identity to what you post.
Interact with your readers. This is what most authors commonly miss out. Let’s put things in perspective, how would you feel if an author that you look-up to would reach out to you? Becoming a self-published author is establishing a customer centric business. As what they say, your loyal readers are your 24/7 marketing team that recommends your book to their friends and relatives.
In your posting, always invite them to leave a comment below your post. This will boost your post to other social media user’s newsfeed and most importantly, allow you to interact with them.
For most of our assisted authors, we find ways to get their readers email or FB accounts. There are few ways in doing that and we shall talk about it in our next updates.
I hope this helps and equips you to becoming a better informed self-published author.